In 1970, several Taiwanese Immigrants who loved singing incepted the chorus with extremely limited resources both financially and professionally. Yet, the singing comforted their feelings of homesickness. Years after years have passed some young members then, are grandparents now. The chorus has gone through a great deal of difficulties. With numerous persistent members and volunteers devoted their effort and time to keep the group going.
From 1992 to 1999, the chorus was affiliated with Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston. During those years, the group had carried out the mission of promotion of public awareness of Taiwanese culture and heritage. The chorus played a key role of the mission. It participated in many concerts big or small.
From 2000 to 2011, the chorus was affiliated with Taiwanese American Citizens League. Again, the group carried out the mission of building and understanding of Taiwanese-American identity, networking with other citizens, and helping to install in our community a greater sense of citizenship.
Now, the chorus has grown full-fledged singing group. It has near 60 members. Its performing scale is increasing tremendously. As you can see on the web site, Taiwanese Chorus of greater Houston is a vivid, vibrant performing group. The group works diligently, persistently , full-heartedly to keep the mission of outreaching Taiwanese Heritage to American main streams through music.
In 1970, several Taiwanese Immigrants who loved singing incepted the chorus with extremely limited resources both financially and professionally. Yet, the singing comforted their feelings of homesickness. Years after years have passed some young members then, are grandparents now. The chorus has gone through a great deal of difficulties. With numerous persistent members and volunteers devoted their effort and time to keep the group going. Read More… From 1992 to 1999, the chorus was affiliated with Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston. During those years, the group had carried out the mission of promotion of public awareness of Taiwanese culture and heritage. The chorus played a key role of the mission. It participated in many concerts big or small. From 2000 to 2011, the chorus was affiliated with Taiwanese American Citizens League. Again, the group carried out the mission of building and understanding of Taiwanese-American identity, networking with other citizens, and helping to install in our community a greater sense of citizenship. Now, the chorus has grown full-fledged singing group. It has near 60 members. Its performing scale is increasing tremendously. As you can see on the web site, Taiwanese Chorus of greater Houston is a vivid, vibrant performing group. The group works diligently, persistently , full-heartedly to keep the mission of outreaching Taiwanese Heritage to American main streams through music.
休士頓台聲合唱團是一九七零年由第一代台灣留學生组成,其目的是陶冶心神、增進音樂修養及啟發民族意識。唱唱笑笑走走停停到了一九七四年,又有一群愛唱歌的台灣留學生組了合唱團名為「虹聲合唱團」,八零年代後來陸續來休士頓的台灣同鄉再組合唱團,巧合又名為台聲。 閱讀更多… 這個以台灣同鄉會為主軸的社團,歷年來在同鄉會的年會夏令會以及各活動中,以鄉音鄉曲傳鄉情,以歌聲傳播台灣文化與精神,近半世紀來一路走來始终如一。一九九二年台灣人活動中心成立之後,有莊伯祥醫師及廬文雄醫師捐贈鋼琴,讓台聲有固定教室練習,以致台聲年年舉辦了成功的音樂會達十多次。 除了發揚台灣文化,台聲在慈善工作亦不落人後,募款協助台灣鄉訊的發行及幫助玻利维亞流浪兒童的保護,還有為癌症病人獻唱,拜訪老人院,甚至華航從休士頓首航,台聲也迄臨機場助興演唱。 現在台聲己發展成全方位的合唱團,每次音樂會都甚獲好評。歡迎對唱歌有興趣的朋友加入我們的大家庭。